by Kouhalvandi, Lida, Pirola, Marco and Ozoguz, Serdar
Kouhalvandi, Lida, Pirola, Marco and Ozoguz, Serdar, "Automated Two-Step Power Amplifier Design with Pre-constructed Artificial Neural Network", 2020 43rd International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing, TSP 2020, pp. 617 – 620, 2020.
Bibtex Entry:
@CONFERENCE{Kouhalvandi2020617, author = {Kouhalvandi, Lida and Pirola, Marco and Ozoguz, Serdar}, title = {Automated Two-Step Power Amplifier Design with Pre-constructed Artificial Neural Network}, year = {2020}, journal = {2020 43rd International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing, TSP 2020}, pages = {617 – 620}, doi = {10.1109/TSP49548.2020.9163468}, url = {}, language = {English}, type = {Conference paper}, publication_stage = {Final}, source = {Scopus} }