by Kuş, Eren, Aydıncık, Sedat and Karaçuha, Kamil
Kuş, Eren, Aydıncık, Sedat and Karaçuha, Kamil, "Tek ve Çift Mod ile Yeniden Yapılandırılabilir Anten Tasarımında Farklı Yalıtım Denemeleri Different Isolation Approaches in Reconfigurable Antenna Design with Even and Odd Modes", 32nd IEEE Conference on Signal Processing and Communications Applications, SIU 2024 - Proceedings, 2024.
Bibtex Entry:
@CONFERENCE{Kuş2024, author = {Kuş, Eren and Aydıncık, Sedat and Karaçuha, Kamil}, title = {Tek ve Çift Mod ile Yeniden Yapılandırılabilir Anten Tasarımında Farklı Yalıtım Denemeleri Different Isolation Approaches in Reconfigurable Antenna Design with Even and Odd Modes}, year = {2024}, journal = {32nd IEEE Conference on Signal Processing and Communications Applications, SIU 2024 - Proceedings}, doi = {10.1109/SIU61531.2024.10601099}, url = {}, language = {Turkish}, type = {Conference paper}, publication_stage = {Final}, source = {Scopus}, note = {Cited by: 0} }