by Aydinalp, Cemanur, Joof, Sulayman, Akinci, Mehmet Nuri, Akduman, Ibrahim and Yilmaz, Tuba
Aydinalp, Cemanur, Joof, Sulayman, Akinci, Mehmet Nuri, Akduman, Ibrahim and Yilmaz, Tuba, "Microwave Dielectric Property Retrieval From Open-Ended Coaxial Probe Response With Deep Learning", In IEEE Access, vol. 10, pp. 1216 – 1227, 2022.
Bibtex Entry:
@ARTICLE{Aydinalp20221216, author = {Aydinalp, Cemanur and Joof, Sulayman and Akinci, Mehmet Nuri and Akduman, Ibrahim and Yilmaz, Tuba}, title = {Microwave Dielectric Property Retrieval From Open-Ended Coaxial Probe Response With Deep Learning}, year = {2022}, journal = {IEEE Access}, volume = {10}, pages = {1216 – 1227}, doi = {10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3137033}, url = {}, language = {English}, type = {Article}, publication_stage = {Final}, source = {Scopus}, note = {Cited by: 9; All Open Access, Gold Open Access} }