by Gunel, T., Yioit, M.E. and Gunel, G.O.
Gunel, T., Yioit, M.E. and Gunel, G.O., "Modified Calculation Based on Genetic Algorithm for the Resonant Frequencies of 30°-60°-90° Triangular Patch Antenna", Proceedings - 2020 Innovations in Intelligent Systems and Applications Conference, ASYU 2020, 2020.
Bibtex Entry:
@CONFERENCE{Gunel2020, author={Gunel, T. and Yioit, M.E. and Gunel, G.O.}, title={Modified Calculation Based on Genetic Algorithm for the Resonant Frequencies of 30°-60°-90° Triangular Patch Antenna}, journal={Proceedings - 2020 Innovations in Intelligent Systems and Applications Conference, ASYU 2020}, year={2020}, doi={10.1109/ASYU50717.2020.9259822}, art_number={9259822}, url={}, language={English}, document_type={Conference Paper}, source={Scopus}, }