by Nizam, F., Roslee, M., Yusoff, Z., Nmenme, P.U., Singh, K., Mohamad, H., Osman, A.F.B. and Shayea, I.A.M.
Nizam, F., Roslee, M., Yusoff, Z., Nmenme, P.U., Singh, K., Mohamad, H., Osman, A.F.B. and Shayea, I.A.M., "Efficient radio resource allocation scheme for 5G networks with device-to-device communication", In International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, vol. 11, no. 6, pp. 5588-5600, 2021.
Bibtex Entry:
@ARTICLE{Nizam20215588, author={Nizam, F. and Roslee, M. and Yusoff, Z. and Nmenme, P.U. and Singh, K. and Mohamad, H. and Osman, A.F.B. and Shayea, I.A.M.}, title={Efficient radio resource allocation scheme for 5G networks with device-to-device communication}, journal={International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering}, year={2021}, volume={11}, number={6}, pages={5588-5600}, doi={10.11591/ijece.v11i6.pp5588-5600}, url={}, language={English}, document_type={Article}, source={Scopus}, }