by Uludaǧ, Recep Buǧra, Çaǧdaş, Serhat, Işler, Yavuz Selim, Şengör, Neslihan Serap and Akturk, Ismail
Uludaǧ, Recep Buǧra, Çaǧdaş, Serhat, Işler, Yavuz Selim, Şengör, Neslihan Serap and Akturk, Ismail, "Exploring Scaling Efficiency of Intel Loihi Neuromorphic Processor", ICECS 2023 - 2023 30th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems: Technosapiens for Saving Humanity, 2023.
Bibtex Entry:
@CONFERENCE{Uludaǧ2023, author = {Uludaǧ, Recep Buǧra and Çaǧdaş, Serhat and Işler, Yavuz Selim and Şengör, Neslihan Serap and Akturk, Ismail}, title = {Exploring Scaling Efficiency of Intel Loihi Neuromorphic Processor}, year = {2023}, journal = {ICECS 2023 - 2023 30th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems: Technosapiens for Saving Humanity}, doi = {10.1109/ICECS58634.2023.10382884}, url = {}, language = {English}, type = {Conference paper}, publication_stage = {Final}, source = {Scopus}, note = {Cited by: 0} }