by Yetik, H., Kavakli, M., Uludag, U., Eksim, A. and Paker, S.
Yetik, H., Kavakli, M., Uludag, U., Eksim, A. and Paker, S., "Earthquake Detection Using Fiber Optic Distributed Acoustic Sensing", 2021 13th International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering, ELECO 2021, pp. 350-354, 2021.
Bibtex Entry:
@CONFERENCE{Yetik2021350, author={Yetik, H. and Kavakli, M. and Uludag, U. and Eksim, A. and Paker, S.}, title={Earthquake Detection Using Fiber Optic Distributed Acoustic Sensing}, journal={2021 13th International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering, ELECO 2021}, year={2021}, pages={350-354}, doi={10.23919/ELECO54474.2021.9677835}, url={}, language={English}, document_type={Conference Paper}, source={Scopus}, }