by Zolfaghari, P., Khodapanahandeh, M., Urey, H. and Ferhanoglu, O.
Zolfaghari, P., Khodapanahandeh, M., Urey, H. and Ferhanoglu, O., "Cascaded laser scanning towards high-resolution LiDAR", In Optics and Laser Technology, vol. 168, 2024.
Bibtex Entry:
@ARTICLE{Zolfaghari2024, author={Zolfaghari, P. and Khodapanahandeh, M. and Urey, H. and Ferhanoglu, O.}, title={Cascaded laser scanning towards high-resolution LiDAR}, journal={Optics and Laser Technology}, year={2024}, volume={168}, doi={10.1016/j.optlastec.2023.109906}, art_number={109906}, url={}, language={English}, document_type={Article}, source={Scopus}, }