ITU Erasmus Office is authorised to sign student exchange agreements

International "Student Exchange" agreements is the duty of ITU International Office. In this respect, you can see the list of student-exchange universities please click to this adddress.

Electronics and Communicaiton Engineering Department
ERASMUS International Student Exchange Agreement Peer Schools

ERASMUS Inter-institutional Agreements List and capacities 2018/2019 reference link
Country University Name ___ID Code___ website EHB***Capacity********* Planned End Date
GERMANYRWTH AachenD AACHEN01web1 L ( 4. sınıf), YL (10 ay)20-21
GERMANYTechnische Universitat DarmstadtD DARMSTA01web1 L (10 ay) 20-21
GERMANYTechnische Universitat BraunschweigD BRAUNSC01web1 L, 1 YL, 1 D (18 ay)20-21
GERMANYTechnische Universitat Hamburg-HarburgD HAMBURG03web2 L, YL (20 ay)20-21
GERMANYRuhr-Universitat BochumD BOCHUM01web2 L, YL (12 ay)20-21
GERMANYUniversitat PotsdamD POTSDAM01web2 L (18 ay)20-21
GERMANYFachhochschule BingenD BINGEN01web2L (10 ay)20-21
AUSTRIATechnische Universität GrazA GRAZ02web1L, YL (10 ay)20-21
AUSTRIATechnische Universität WienA WIEN02web1L, YL (10 ay)16-17
AUSTRIAFachhochschule KarntenA SPITTAL01web2 L, 2YL (24 ay) 20-21
BELGIUMKatholieke Universiteit LeuvenB LEUVEN01web2 YL (12 ay)17-18
BELGIUMUniversite Catholique de LouvainB LOUVAIN01web2 L, YL, D (18 ay)20-21
BULGARIAAngel Kanchev University of RousseBG ROUSSE01web3 L, YL (15 ay)16-17
CZECH REPUBLICBrno University of TechnologyCZ BRNO01web4YL, 2D (30 ay)20-21
CZECH REPUBLICTechnical University of OstravaCZ OSTRAVA01web5L, YL (50 ay)20-21
FINLANDTampere University of TechnologySF TAMPERE02web1 L, YL (10 ay)20-21
FINLANDAalto UniversitySF ESPOO12web1 L, YL (10 ay)20-21
FINLANDLappeenranta University of TechnologySF LAPPEEN01web2 YL, D (18 ay) - Elektrik M. ortak20-21
FRANCEESIGELEC RouenF ROUEN07web2 L, YL (20 ay)20-21
FRANCEINSA de RennesF RENNES10web4YL (40 ay)20-21
FRANCEInstitut Superieur d'Electronique de Paris (ISEP)F PARIS376web2L, D (10 ay)20-21
FRANCEEcole Nationale Superieure des Mines de Saint-EtienneF ST-ETIE06web1YL (10 ay) Yalnızca Biyomedikal M.20-21
UNITED KINGDOMUniversity of Nottingham UK NOTTING01web2 D (12 ay) - Elektrik M. ortak20-21
SPAINUniversidad Politecnica de MadridE MADRID05web3 L (30 ay)20-21
SPAINUniversidad de AlcalaE ALCAL-H01web1 L, YL (10 ay)20-21
SPAINUniversidad Politecnica de Catalunya (ETSEIAT)E BARCELO03web1 L, YL (10 ay)20-21
SPAINUniversity of ExtremaduraE BADAJOZ01web2L (20 ay-ortak kontenjan) 20-21
SPAINRamon Llull University – La SalleE BARCELO16web3 L,YL,D (36 ay)??
SWEDENLund UniversityS LUND01web1 YL, D (5 ay)16-17
SWEDENLinköpings UniversityS LINKOPI01web2 YL (10 ay)16-17
SWEDENKungl Tekniska Högskolan S STOCKHO04web1YL (10 ay)17-18
SWEDENChalmers University of TechnologyS GOTEBOR02web1 YL (10 ay)20-21
SWEDENUmea UniversityS UMEA01web2 L, YL (20 ay)20-21
SWEDENUppsala UniversityS UPPSALA01web1 YL (10 ay)17-18
ITALYPolitecnico di TorinoI TORINO02web1L, 1YL, 1D (18 ay)20-21
ITALYUniversità degli Studi di FirenzeI FIRENZE01web3 L, YL, D (30 ay)20-21
ITALYUniversita della CalabriaI COSENZA01web3L (15 ay)20-21
ITALYUniversità degli Studi di Lecce (Università del Salento)I LECCE01web1 L, 1 YL, 1 D (15 ay)20-21
ITALYUniversità degli Studi di Napoli Federico III NAPOLI01web2 L, 2 YL, 1 D (30 ay)19-20
ITALYUniversità degli Studi di CataniaI CATANIA01web1 L, 1 YL, 1 D (18 ay)20-21
ITALYUniversità di Bologna I BOLOGNA01web2 L, 1 YL (18 ay)20-21
ITALYUniversità degli Studi di PaviaI PAVIA01web3 L, YL, D (36 ay)20-21
ITALYUniversity of Pisaweb1 YL,D (6 ay) Biomedikal20-21
LATVIAVentspils University CollegeLV VENTSPI01web2L, YL (10 ay)20-21
LithuaniaKaunas University of TechnologyLT KAUNAS02web1 L (5ay)20-21
POLANDAGH University of Science and TechnologyPL KRAKOW02web3 L, YL(18 ay)20-21
PORTUGALInstituto Politecnico de CoimbraP COIMBRA02web3 L, YL (36 ay)20-21
PORTUGALUniversidade da Beira Interior P COVILHA01web3 L,YL (18 Ay)19-20
GREECETEI of PiraeusG EGALEO01web3 L, YL, D (30 ay )20-21
GREECEAlexander Technological Educational Institute of ThessalonikiG THESSAL12web4L, YL, D (24 ay)20-21
GREECETEI of Sterea ElladaG LAMIA04web2L (20 ay)20-21
SWITZERLANDEcole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne CH LAUSANN06web2 L, YL, D (12 ay)20-21
SWITZERLANDLucerne University of Applied Sciences and ArtsCH LUZERN14web2 L,YL (10 ay)20-21
CROTIAUniversity of ZagrebHR ZAGREB01web1L, 1YL,1 D (18 ay)20-21

Warnings and Notes

  • Not 1: L: Lisans-Undergraduae , YL: Yüksek Lisans-Masters, D: Doktora-PHd
  • 2014-2015 Department names and capacities are painted with orange color. That means the agreements have not been finalized yet. Be aware that, approval procedure is mostly finalized positively, but due to some institutional setbacks, double check before preference for the capacities. This list is being updated depending on the agreement progress.
  • Not 2: Some informations about capacities:
    1 L, YL (10 ay) - 1 Lisans veya 1 Yuksek Lisans Ogrencisi 10 ay degisimde bulunabilir demektir.
    1 L, 1 YL (10 ay) - 1 Lisans ve 1 Yuksek Lisans ogrencisi 5'er ay degisimde bulunabilir demektir.
    2 L , 1 YL (30 ay) - 2 Lisans ve 1 Yuksek Lisans ogrencisi 10'ar ay degisimde bulunabilir demektir.
    2 L, YL (10 ay) - 2 Lisans veya 2 Yuksek Lisans veya 1 Lisans ve 1 Yuksek Lisans ogrencisi 5'er ay degisimde bulunabilir demektir.